Print Options

*If you were looking for the directions page or wondering which guidebook to print for your family, go HERE instead.  If you were curious about your print options and print companies, continue reading!**

We have created our units for 100% digital use (no printing necessary)!  Just screen cast or view it digitally, using a notebook for any writing activities. 🙂  If you’d prefer to have the tangible version and want to know your options, read on…

#1:  Print from home immediately after purchase

#2: Use an online print service.  Immediately upload the PDF file to an online print company and receive your physical product at your doorstep (bound and all). 

#3: If printing through places like Office Depot or local big box print companies, please remember they are a LOT more expensive and we also cannot guarantee the quality of their work (and we do not usually recommend it).  Also, again, please remember if you print through another company, we cannot provide support and troubleshooting on their behalf. 


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