Looking for already-released units?  Go to ALL PRODUCTS instead!

This list does not include everything in future plans, but is here to give you a quick glimpse of what’s coming the soonest.


Regular Units

1. With the Skills of: Financial Stewardship
. Vote Unit (TBD)

Series Units and “Part 2s”*


MP3 Recordings

1. New England




8/2020 – Camping Unit
8/2020 – ER Unit
9/2020 – Island Life
9/2020 – Pirates
10/2020 – Giving Thanks
10/2020 – Home Defense
11/2020 – Christmas Around the Campfire
12/2020 – NO release (we never release in Dec)
1/2021 – Volcanologist
2/2021 – Gardening
3/2021 – Resurrection Day
3/2021 – Professional Chef
5/2021 – Beekeeping
6/2021 – Independence Day
7/2021 – Photographer
8/2021 – Military
9/2021 – Veterinarian
10/2021 – Thanksgiving
10/2021- Giving Thanks Revamp #1 with core connections
11/2021 – Christmas Around the Campfire Revamp
12/2021 – NO releases (we never release in Dec)
1/2022 – Valentine’s
3/2022 – Natural Medicine
3/2022 – Resurrection Revamp #1 with core connections
4/2022 – ER revamp #1
5/2022 – Meteorologist
6/2022 – Independence Day revamp #1
7/2022 – Summer Break
8/2022 – Titanic
9/2022 – Pirates Revamp #1
9/2022 – Camping Revamp #1
9/2022 – Giving Thanks Revamp #2
9/2022 – Thanksgiving Revamp #2
9/2022 – Zoologist
10/2022 – Caroling Noel new unit
11/2022 – Christmas Around the Campfire Revamp #2
12/2022 – No release (we never release in Dec)
1/2023 – Car Maintenance
1/2023 – Valentine’s Revamp #1
2/2023 – Resurrection Day Revamp #2 (everything into one guidebook; updated core)
4/2023 – Historian (History’s Mysteries)
4/2023 – MP3 of Titanic
5/2023 – Survive off the Land Unit 1
5/2023 – Independence Day Revamp
6/2023 – Camping New Edition (new storyline, entire unit restructured, added Cool Teacher Moments, activities, etc *no core connections*)
6/2023 – ER Provider New Edition (reogranized, entire unit restructured, added Cool Teacher moments, etc *no core connections*)
6/2023 – Audio Release – Military unit!
6/2023 – Home Defense Revamp (reorganized, much better structure, added a little writing, etc)
7/2023 – Paleontologist
9/2023 – Phonics around the Campfire
9/2023 – Reading around the Campfire
9/2023 – Thanksgiving mini revamp
9/2023 – Giving Thanks mini revamp
10/2023 – Christmas & Caroling Noel is available
12/2023 – Geography Series (50 States, New England)
2/2024 – Geography Series (50 States, Mid-Atlantic)
3/2024 – Island Life
3/2024 – Pirates Revamp
4/2024 – Geography Series (50 States, South Atlantic)
5/2024 – Independence Day Revamp
6/2024 – Holocaust

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